b2b success with story

April 5, 2023

As a commercial manufacturing company, it can be challenging to stand out in a crowded marketplace. However, by using the StoryBrand 7 framework, you can position your business as the guide that your customers need to achieve success.

  1. Identify the Hero

The hero in this case is your target customer. They are the ones who are facing a problem or challenge that your product or service can help them solve. Identify who your ideal customer is and what their pain points are.

  1. Define the Problem

What problem is your customer facing that your product or service can solve? Maybe they are struggling to find a reliable supplier for a specific material or component. Perhaps they need a custom solution for a unique manufacturing challenge. Identify their problem and show them that you understand their needs.

  1. Position Yourself as the Guide

You are the guide in this story. Your job is to help the hero (your customer) overcome their problem and achieve their goals. Here are some ways you can position yourself as the guide:

  • Share your expertise and industry knowledge to show that you are an authority in your field.
  • Offer helpful resources such as videos, white-papers, case studies, and industry reports to educate your customers and provide value.
  • Be responsive and attentive to your customer's needs to show that you are invested in their success.
  1. Give Them a Plan

Provide your customers with a clear plan or roadmap for how to solve their problem. This could be your product or service, or it could be the steps they need to take to achieve their desired outcome. Here are some ways you can give your customers a plan:

  • Create a clear process for working with your company and communicate it clearly to your customers.
  • Offer customized solutions that are tailored to their specific needs.
  • Provide detailed information about the benefits of your product or service and how it can help them overcome their challenges.
  1. Call Them to Action

Your plan should include a clear call to action for the hero to take. This could be anything from making a purchase to signing up for a consultation. Here are some examples of calls to action:

  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your manufacturing needs.
  • Request a quote for a custom solution.
  • Place an order for a specific product or component.
  1. Help Them Avoid Failure

Your product or service should help the hero avoid failure or negative consequences. By using your solution, they can achieve success and avoid the negative outcomes that come with not solving their problem. Here are some ways you can help your customers avoid failure:

  • Provide high-quality products or components that meet their specific needs.
  • Offer reliable and timely delivery to ensure they have the materials they need when they need them.
  • Provide exceptional customer service to address any issues or concerns that arise.
  1. End in Success

Finally, your product or service should lead to a successful outcome for the hero. They achieve their goals, overcome their challenges, and are better off for having worked with you. Here are some examples of successful outcomes:

  • The customer receives high-quality materials or components that meet their specific needs.
  • The customer achieves their production goals and meets their deadlines.
  • The customer saves time and money by working with a reliable and trustworthy manufacturing partner.

By using the StoryBrand 7 framework, your company can position itself as the guide that their customers need to achieve success. Identify the hero, define their problem, position yourself as the guide, give them a plan, call them to action, help them avoid failure, and end in success. With this approach, you can create messaging that is clear, compelling and resonates with your target customers.

Need help working through your brand script? Go ahead and give us a shout on the contact page.

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